Monday, April 18, 2005

Sweeping out the Riff-Raff

I just had a marathon spring-cleaning weekend. It resulted in re-arranging my entire room. They say that things like re-arranging furniture can sometimes be about wanting to take control of something. I'm not sure if this particular rearrangement was a psychological outcry for a sense of control, but it sure feels good. The whole room feels new again. And in the process of cleaning and dusting in places not normally reached (under the bed, behind the armchair) I got rid of all left-over, "put-away-so-as-not-to-be-traumatized" ex-boyfriend stuff. I threw away every sentimental thing related to him that I kept after we broke up just in case one day I would want it or miss it. Except the watch. I kept that...because it's nice and pretty. I may be a little bitter, but I'm not stupid. One day when I'm a student again, I may be in desperate need for money and then I can sell it to a pawn shop. That's why I kept it. But cards, t-shirts, stuffed animals, emails, business cards, all were thrown out or put in a "give-away" pile. And that felt nice.

Once, a long time ago, a friend of mine gave me a toy broom when I was amidst the end of a very immature and stupid relationship. He told me it was to "sweep out the riff-raff." I didn't actually sweep anything this weekend (as my room is carpeted) but it was definitely a metaphoric and surprisingly cathartic riff-raff sweeping. Good-bye MS.

On another note, I am so pleased with my new room arrangement, I had trouble sleeping! I kept waking up and thinking, "My room is so pretty from this angle," or "My how cool it is to be positioned this way." Yes, this is a little odd, but that's okay because I'm happy.

Fashion Theme of the Week: Each day, I must wear an article of clothing I haven't worn in a LONG time. We're talking months. Today, I am wearing a pink shirt I almost got rid of this weekend. It was actually on the give-away pile, but then I needed something to wear with my khaki skirt and this beckoned to me from atop the clothing mountain in the hallway. And thus, a theme was born.


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