Wednesday, April 13, 2005

2nd Post: WBF Updates and A Request to YOU

Hey! I usually don't post twice but today warrants it. I have two more things to share:

1) My WBF asked me to lunch today. Here is how it happened. I haven't seen him or talked to him since yesterday's apology email chain. Which ended with an, "I'll save this email in case you piss me off one day." (my oh so witty response to his "well you can punch me in the face if you want"). Today, I was passing through the mailroom when he walked in. He took my hands, pinned me against the wall and took me there on the counter. Just kidding. I was passing through the mailroom and he was in there mailing stuff. I said, "Hi" and, "Looks like you've got quite a project going on" (there were boxes and stuffing everywhere). He laughed and said, "Yeah, it's a party. Want to join?" I kept walking during this and at this point I was almost out of the room. So I said something like, "Think I'm going to pass" and then left. I was applying "The Rules" here...I left him wanting more.

Then, an hour or two later, I got an email from him saying: "Yo ML, Do you want to go to lunch tomorrow? BC"

Te, he. I'm excited. We're going to lunch Monday (l already had other plans).

2) I'm super into my new fancy camera, and I want to get lots of practice taking photos of people. CALLING ALL FRIENDS WHO LIKE PHOTOS. Can I please practice on you? I will go to any location and will take photos of any situation. You can wear whatever you want. My only requests are that it's outside and that people are involved. Viewers of America's Next Top Model are preferred. Just kidding.

Seriously, let me photograph you! I've already convinced my mom to let me drag her to the beach one afternoon, but I need many subjects, different lighting situations, different angles and emotions.


Blogger Y. said...

Re. request no. 2, if you can magically make me look 10 pounds thinner, you're on!

11:36 PM  

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