Monday, April 04, 2005

I've become a Bachelor

The other night as I crawled into my fantastically comfortable bed, I had a little moment of nirvana. The sheets were crisp and clean, the down was fluffy in all the right places, it smelled of summer (coconut linen spray, thanks CH), and there was a soft ocean breeze coming in from window. It was perfect. BUT as fabulous as all these things are, they are not what caused my heavenly experience. The fact that I was alone in bed made me actually grin in the dark and squeal gleefully.

I have become a bachelor.

I like being alone more. I don't want to compromise on evening plans. I don't want to share television programs or even a space on the couch. I want to eat what I want. I want to sleep when I want, and I want to have the temperature warm enough so that I can be barefoot or wear sandals all the time.

But after realizing that I feel this way, thoughts of panic started seeping in recently...will I ever want to be in a relationship again? Will I ever want to give up my complete independence and sometimes solitude?? (Sigh). Only time will tell...


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