Friday, March 18, 2005

Granny Smith, of the Gods

YN: I disagree with you in regards to the Ambrosia apple. While your homage to the apple was inspiring and did entice me to try it, I was disappointed when I did. While the ambrosia apple is tasty, the Granny Smith variety--with its winning combination of both sweet and sour crunchiness--still takes the cake.

I realize that such bold statements may cause an apple "blog-war" of sorts. If this does happen, than so be it. Someone needs to defend Granny Smith in the land of blogs. And a blog-war could be kind of fun...

Maybe I should get your friend M to post the history of the granny smith apple on that other, secret group blog just to even-up the publicity?

he, he, he (insert sounds of evil, dramatic laughter here)


Blogger Y. said...

I see the gaunlet's been thrown and accept the challenge. =)

1:34 PM  

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