Photo of the week

So I have a fancy digital SLR (camera). And I love it. But I don't get to play with it as much as I want. To encourage this hobby I have decided to start a "photo of the week" tradition here on The Frog. There's not much to explain so let me get down to business.
This is a photo of a little girl playing on Ke'e beach in Kauai. I love taking photos of people and sometimes the best opportunities are of strangers. But I usuallly don't have the guts to ask them if it's okay. In the interest of facing my fears (a recent endeavor), i asked this little girl's mom if I could take her photo. She was playing the sand and very friendly. She waved to me as I walked past and I must have walked 20 or so feet beyond her before I turned around, walked back and asked if I could shoot her.
I'm surprise the mom was OK with you asking her if you could shoot her daughter. I would've run screaming.
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