Monday, September 19, 2005

A Day of Studying

I spent the entire day yesterday studying the complete skeleton system of the human body. And I mean, literally, I spent the ENTIRE day studying. In fact, I did not even leave my apartment once. Not once. Not to go outside and get the paper, not to walk to the laundry room, not for anything. I never crossed the threshold. I did manage to get dressed and to move from my bedroom to the living room, but that's about it. Oh, and I did allow 30 min breaks periodically for food.

A friend once insinuated recently that this anatomy class couldn't be that hard because it was only at a JC. After spending 16 hours memorizing the Latin names of every single bone in the body--along with the joints they form and all their the various bumps, grooves, notches, projections and formations--I can say with great sincerity that this may perhaps be one of the toughest classes I've ever taken.

While it is at a JC, it is a class designed to weed out those less serious about going down this educational path. It is also set up for Life Science majors only, so it IS harder than the average GE. In fact, the class began with 35 people. Within the first 4 weeks, 10 dropped out. At class last week, two people got up and left mid-lecture after hearing more about the content covered by this week's practical AND exam. Only 8% of the class passed the last practical. So, I'm not making up how hard it is.

Just a little bit more whining...this Tuesday, we have a practical covering all of the skeleton system. That means we have to be prepared to identify any structure on any bone, be able to determine it's position in the body, whether it belongs to a male/female (where applicable), what joints it forms, and determine if it's a right or left bone (where applicable). If that isn't enough, on Thursday--yes, just one day after the practical--we have an exam which covers all the material since class began. That means, we have to know EVERYTHING about EVERY tissue, every joint, every ligament, every bone, and every cartridge in the body. And oh yeah, we have to know how it all comes together, give the terms in Latin and spelling counts!

The sad part is that while this is so hard and I'm not certain how good I'll do in the class, I'm loving every minute of it.


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