Sunday, October 16, 2005

Celebrating the Rain

Today I am studying muscles for my three tests next week. I had planned on possibly walking to my new fav local coffee shop (hot java), which I love dearly and frequent often, to study. They have big plush armchairs and I envisioned myself sitting upon them, frowning studiously, and memorizing latin anatomical terms while sipping some of their fantastic Fog Lifter blend. But then it started to rain. And rain here is still such a special occasion that I decided to change my plans and stay at home so that I can properly enjoy it.

But, I still needed my coffee. So clad in yoga pants, wearing my glasses, donning unbrushed hair and makeup smeared eyes leftover from last night, I ventured out into the storm to get my fix. And oh yeah, I was wearing my reefs. Because if it's a weekend and I'm not out doing something official, I can't wear anything but them. Even if it's raining.

So I drove the TWO WHOLE BLOCKS to the coffee shop, to buy a cup of coffee even though I could make some at home, so that I can sit on my couch, drinking the coffee, pretending to study as I watch silly MTV shows, all so that I can enjoy this brief and mild episode of So Cal rain.

In a Chandler-esque tone, could I be any more LA??


Blogger Y. said...

I drove to The Grove once (less than half a mile from my apartment) but between bumper to bumper traffic on Fairfax (on a Sunday afternoon!) and the nightmare that is parking, it took about 25 minutes to get there.

It was probably a 10 minute walk.

10:46 AM  

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