Wednesday, October 05, 2005

What I Know

Here are some things I have learned during the last 24 hours:

1) The more coffee you drink, the more likely it is that you will spill it on yourself while driving to work.

2) If I wake up at the same time each morning and I am consistently about 10 minutes late, I will probably continue to be late each day unless I wake up earlier.

3) I shouldn't use my favorite, fluffy, pure white 100% Egyptian cotton towels within a week of dying my hair.

4) Death Cab for Cutie is fantastic. Here is one of the best parts of their song, "Marching Bands of Manhattan"

Sorrow drips into your heart through a pin hole
just like a faucet that leaks and there is comfort in the sound
and while you debate half empty or half full
it slowly rises, your love is gonna drown.

Good stuff. Sad, but good. Fortunately, the music sounds a bit more upbeat than the words.

5) (anatomy stuff) The muscle system is easy to learn if you've got your skeletal system well memorized. Which I do. I will crush my classmates during the next round of tests. Again.

6) MSN Horoscopes can be really, oddly accurate sometimes. Here's mine for the day:

The good news is this: It can only get better. For today, however, there may be some trying times in store, ML. You may feel pressure from all sides. Not even your love life is immune from the feelings of doubt that seem to hover over your head. No form of compromise is possible for you, dear Virgo. Just sit tight and know that calmer days are coming...

And they called me "dear Virgo". That's sort of sweet.


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