Thursday, September 29, 2005

The Safest Places

You know how when pets or young children are scared and they go to a place that makes them feel safe? I was wondering today what that place would be for me. You know, in case I ever turn into a scared pet.

My first response would be the floor next to my bed and night stand. It's a small little nook at the back of the apartment where I feel tucked away and hidden. But then I thought more about it, and I think that the place that would feel most safe to me in all the world would actually be the floor next to my parents bed on the side my dad sleeps on.

Obviously, I've got a strange thing with floors next to beds. But aside from that, I think the space next to where my dad sleeps is where I'd feel safest because (a) It's in my family home where I lived for a good majority of my life, (b) it's close to the space my dad occupies (when he sleeps) and he probably makes me feel safer than anyone I know (followed closely by my mom and my friend KM), and (c) it's way back in the corner of the house and hidden from view.

I'm not sure what all this says about me, psychologically. I guess more of an interesting question to think about is why I feel an urge to think about those spaces that make me feel safe. There's a lot of change going on around me lately. Changes for me personally but also for many people I know. More and more I feel uncertain about everything--who I am, where I'm going, if I'm doing the right things, etc. Fall is here and the weather is unusually hot. It's like the whole world is in a unique period of transition and on some level that is scary.

Maybe figuring out my "safe place" was sort of like the emotional equivalent of packing an earthquake kit full of canned food and bottled water.


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