The Overwhelmed and the Weary
Last night my contact ripped in half as I was removing it from my eye. It was my last contact. This morning, I forgot about a long-planned doctor appointment (and I don't forget things). This all amidst the back-drop of doing two people's jobs and learning a new computer system at work, Also, I have three tests in Anatomy over the next two weeks, a presentation to create and then give at a large quarterly sales meeting, a yard sale to prepare for and an apartment to move. Several of my friends are going through some hard things right now. My grandmother is sick. My parents want to see more of me. I'm trying to find time and energy to work out, finish my book club book, write that article for the local paper, AND sleep enough.
Needless to say, my addiction to caffeine is now carrying over into a need for an afternoon fix.
And here's the kicker. Today I had lunch with my boss and another co-worker. Mid-meal the topic turned to my singleness (oh the joy). My gut tightened and I prepared a witty segue into another topic, but not before my favorite question was asked: why aren't you dating anyone right now?
It has been several months since the last time this was up for discussion. I guess it was time to re-hash it.
And as usual, my boss (the ex Therapist) tells me the following--perhaps to make it easier to "deal" with my singleness: "It's easier to find someone when you aren't looking." That's the worse advice in the history of mankind. And, it's just mean to point out my singleness, make me feel like I'm failing in life somehow because of it, then point out how one can make it happen by not wanting it to happen.
Fortunately EVERY OTHER AREA IN MY LIFE has made dating the last thing on my mind today. I am too busy trying not to forget about doctor appointments. But of course, now having said this Mr. Maybe will surely come walking through the door any minute, right?
Needless to say, my addiction to caffeine is now carrying over into a need for an afternoon fix.
And here's the kicker. Today I had lunch with my boss and another co-worker. Mid-meal the topic turned to my singleness (oh the joy). My gut tightened and I prepared a witty segue into another topic, but not before my favorite question was asked: why aren't you dating anyone right now?
It has been several months since the last time this was up for discussion. I guess it was time to re-hash it.
And as usual, my boss (the ex Therapist) tells me the following--perhaps to make it easier to "deal" with my singleness: "It's easier to find someone when you aren't looking." That's the worse advice in the history of mankind. And, it's just mean to point out my singleness, make me feel like I'm failing in life somehow because of it, then point out how one can make it happen by not wanting it to happen.
Fortunately EVERY OTHER AREA IN MY LIFE has made dating the last thing on my mind today. I am too busy trying not to forget about doctor appointments. But of course, now having said this Mr. Maybe will surely come walking through the door any minute, right?
I hate when people say that. "He will come along when you least expect it." It's pretty tough not to expect something when people keep asking why you're still single!!! I feel your pain, ML.
Sorry you're so overwhelmed right now. Glad to hear you're feeling a little bit better, though.
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