Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Do the Fandango

Since July, I have fruitlessly sought the MP3 for DJ Quik's "Fandango." (I'm very white, but I like my rap, especially when it's fun to dance to).

I could buy the whole album, but I really only like the song a single MP3's worth. (I guess I learned my lesson after purchasing Daddy Yankee's Gasolina CD. There's enough reggatone on that bad boy to last me a lifetime.)

Tonight, I decided it was time to get serious. I was going to find this damn song if it meant--well, I guess the only thing it could interefere with is finishing my anatomy homework. And so I did what all people do when they really want a song that they cannot purchase legally. Thankfully, Russia has no qualms with this sort of thing.

And now I'm happily bobbing my head to the rhapsodic lyrics of Mr. DJ Quik. Words like "feel free to lose your mind let your brain go, f*ck the tango do the fandango" spill out of my iTunes on repeat, and I feel complete once again.


Blogger ka said...

now i want that song.....i only know like one line and it's been running through my head all day.

5:26 PM  

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