I've been meaning to post again for days but am only getting around to it now. So i am writing this from my phone as I sit in yet another training meeting....I have much to share about SG. First, I just like him so much. We had a great weekend together. But i don't want to talk too much about how great he is and how much fun we have because it might all be ending soon. Circumstances beyond my control may mean a long and/or permanent break soon. And this makes me extremely sad. I'll know more in a couple of weeks but already two days have been difficult. It doesn't help that we live an hour away, that I'm working 60 hours this week, that we won't get to see eachother this weekend, and that I'm me and have over-thinking tendencies. I'll know more on Friday, 11/21. If the news is good, he'll be visting me the next day. If things are bad, I'm not sure if/when I'll see him again.
My heart feels heavy and I want to fast forward time.