Saturday, February 16, 2008


I am SO excited! I am going to Guatemala for spring break. We're doing a family-homestay language immersion thing for the first part of the week and then we're going to the jungle to see the Mayan ruins at Tikal.

I'm thrilled that I have an international trip to look forward to, especially since I had planned on doing the international program through school but recently decided against it. (They did not have the kind of thing I was looking for and it was not worth the cost, given that.)

To help pay for this trip, I recently got a job as a Research Assistant working with infectious diseases. And I LOVE infectious diseases.

YAY for my job and YAY for my travel plans.



Blogger Cheryl said...

With whom are you going?

10:23 AM  
Blogger Follow the Frog said...

3 friends from here.

2:05 PM  
Blogger Y. said...

That's awesome! Can't wait for the pictures!

9:46 AM  

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